Christmas with Christ

On a cold winter’s night,

The Church bells were ringing-

Choir sang in heartfelt voices,

Streets were bright with lights.

Houses were warm with laughter,

Foods on the table,

Family, friends and dear ones-

Gather round the fireplace.

Singing songs and sharing stories,

Hearts were filled with joys and warmth.

Decorations on the walls,

A bright guiding star, a manger,

Christmas trees and mistletoes-

All decorated for the festive season.

Everyone’s in a rush, for Christmas shopping,

Buying clothes and other things-

Preparing ourselves to look beautiful and elegant

on Christmas day.

On this same winter’s night,

A poor boy, without proper shelter-

Food and clothing,

Struggling alone to survive the coldness of the night,

This poor boy had nothing to decorate for the festive season-

Nor, new clothes and shoes to make himself look grand,

But, his heart is filled with joy,

The poor boy had nothing but his heart to welcome Jesus.

In his heart, he welcomed the new born King,

With all the prayers and songs of worships.

The poor boy sings the songs of praises

And glory for the blessings of Christ upon him on this cold winter’s night.

The love of Jesus kept warm, filled his stomach,

And kept him safe and sound through all the year long.

Christmas season, a season of preparation and celebration.

to prepare ourselves and celebrate for the coming of Christ.

But, what do we see? In the midst of all these preparations,

Did we take our time to decorate our souls?

Did we prepare a room for Christ in our hearts?

Dear faithful, don’t you ever forget the main reason for Christmas,

Christmas is all about welcoming the new born King in our hearts.

Don’t be so caught up, in worldly decorations,

To the point, where you’ll forget to decorate your own souls.

For what is Christmas in the first place?

if there never was a Saviour wrapped in the manger in that winter’s night.

If not for Christ, then what are we preparing ourselves for?

What is Christmas without Christ?

Dear faithful, let us look deep within our hearts and souls,

Let us sings songs of glory and honour, and

Let us learn to celebrate Christmas with Christ.