The whole world is searching. Searching for everything. Searching for anything. Even at this very moment there are millions who are searching. Even you may be searching. Yes, the screens in front of us could search any information with a single click. All of us are now capable to search with the help of various search engines that are available to us. Google, Yahoo, Bing and a lot more to count.
But how interesting and useful would it be if the world gets to know about you and your initiative by an online search. Especially if you are one doing a business or a start-up you can imagine how profitable and attention seeking would it be, when the search engine suggests your website as the most relevant one in the search. But is there a possible way for that? And the answer is a “Big Yes”. Because we are in the era of Search Engine Optimization or SEO.
So what is Search Engine Optimization or SEO? In simple terms we can say that it is the process of making your website more accessible and visible to others. It is done by increasing the quality and quantity of the web traffic in your website. So more is the web traffic, more will be the accessibility of your website. And this would make your website avail as one of the top suggestions while one is making a Google search or any other search on what your website is related to. Hence it enables your website to give a tough competition to others. When your website lies ahead of others, it creates an impression in the users and they won’t think twice for giving it a double click.
Now you may wonder how the search engines are working and based on what factors are the search engines being optimised. Suppose, you are visiting a library in search of a book on wildlife. Say, the library contains over ten thousand books and you are really confused where to search for the book you want. Obviously you go to the librarian and enquire him where you could find a book on wildlife.
He who knows where exactly the books on wildlife are kept, decides to help you and chooses ten such books for you from a particular section of the library. Out of that ten, you select the one or two books that seems to be more relevant to you. This is exactly what a search engine does. From the large quantity of information, the search engine sorts out the ones that are the most relevant and presents it for you. Hence you would be able to select all what you need and only what you need.
Here is an elaboration- Each search engines have a unique programming language known as bots or robots. Googlebot, the web crawler software of Google is the most known among them. These bots visits various websites and webpages to understand about the contents in them. This regular visit is known as Crawling. The bots are built in such a way that they could understand the headings, contexts, images, links, etc in your websites. Hence they get a clear idea of what your website or webpage is all about as this is done with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
The more active is your website, more will be the visits made by the bots. After the Crawling procedure is completed the search engines gets an idea on your website and stores these collected information in it’s servers. This process of of saving the collected information from the website is known as Indexing. Hence it is from the indexed data the search engines shows the results.
They take the most relevant information from the indexed data and display it to the users. This is called Ranking. As Google is the most prominent search engine these days, your website being at the top in the Google Rankings is always the best form of benefit to your initiative. And how could your website achieve this? The one and only answer is SEO. Consulting an SEO Agency could make your website one of the top rated in the online world.
It is true that you can promote your business or initiative by the means of social medias like Facebook, Instagram, etc. But nothing can replace a platform like a quality made website. We seldom rely on social medias for purchasing purposes but search engines are the most used means. Hence through a professionally done SEO your website can gain increased number of visitors and customers.
Google and YouTube and the most used search engines in the present era and the success of your website lies on how well you optimize these two. When you are assisted professionally your hard work meets smart work. Hence you will he able to establish an internationally acclaimed quality brand of your own. So make a wise decision and switch to Search Engine Optimization. Success is waiting for a nice and wise move from you.