How well do we perceive the idea of going to a psychologist when we feel really low or when we know that we need immediate help? Or how does the society around us, our good old uncles and aunties, neighbours, or even our friends respond to this? This thought itself is depressing. Why? We live in a world of chaos. Chaos is a part of our life and we should be equipped to deal with it.
But, is it necessary that we should be by birth very well equipped to deal with all the issues that we will face at different points in our lives? We most often say “no one is perfect”, but how often do we really mean it? Is it just used during the times we need it as an excuse to our inability to do something? Aren’t we being hypocritical when we say someone is weak because that person sought help?
The mental health stereotypes are still prevalent in our society. A person, who suffers from a mental issue, let’s say depression, is often judged and discriminated. Mental illness is still considered as a form of intellectual disability or brain damage by many. Some even consider a person inflicted with mental illness as violent and dangerous. Believing in such idiotic and baseless notions is a shame when we consider our society as ‘forward and progressive’.
They could lead an affected person, even when he is convinced about the real concept of ‘mental illness’, to feel doubtful in discussing his issue with someone or seek adequate help. Thus the myths, misunderstandings, stereotypes, and negative attitude towards mental illness would lead the person to suppress his issues and not to talk about it which again worsens his condition.
Mental disorders are many and the most common among them are major depression and bipolar disorder. Fortunately, many of them can be treated effectively with appropriate medical care and emotional support from family and friends. The role of family, friends, and the whole society should not be misunderstood. They need ample support and care from the society and family to lead a happy life.
Just as we need a healthy body, we also need a healthy mind to live our life. But, we seldom forget to maintain or nurture it. Let’s eradicate our negative thoughts about mental health, lend our ears for the mentally ill, be more empathetic towards them, and also make sure we look after our own mental health just as we look after our physical health. And more importantly, never ever hesitate to talk when we feel low and helpless.