We all came from random directions and will be dispersed to various paths on this planet. Some may stay there a little more time but nobody stays there permanently. The cycle has to go on – the cycle of life, departure, happiness, sorrow and death. The relation between you and everything and everyone you have come across is arbitrary.
But ain’t this alignment of the world seems too rude for emotional people?
It is apparent for sensitive people to feel unwanted and ineffectual because everybody is just too much caught up in their own world that they don’t have the time to get out of their world and ask “how do you feel”! And that’s okay. Other people’s thoughts don’t work the way how things work in your head. The thought of asking how the person sitting next to them, who doesn’t complain about anything particular, may have never crossed their mind. It doesn’t mean the world is inherently uncaring. It’s that the world demands human being to be self-focused and productive to build an identity.
And there are a bunch of people like us, dreamers, too-emotional, too-sensitive… call us whatever you want, who finds the futility of this mode of life. What we ask for, doesn’t make us selfish, needy or clingy. We ask for something which eventually the world yearn for at some point in time.
Internalizing others’ silence while we scream for love shouldn’t let you down. You are being empathetic and sensitive and unfortunately, these words have almost lost their actual meaning. If you allow yourself to be different, it actually encourages a lot of transformations in people who might have been intimidated to be their real self. In this world where everybody is cluttered in their narrow confinement, it takes a great deal of courage to look beyond it and there lies your worth.
Never let other people determine your value. Your thoughts might be too much for them to comprehend and maybe too loud for their muddled chores buzzing around their heads. You are powerful enough to get up, despite the weight of emotion in your heart, overcoming the gravity of silence that has been anchoring your head to gloom- and that is strength.
The chance of you being born is 1 out of 1000 million chances. Where are we born and to whom are we born are astonishing random happenings. The universe began with a tiny bit of its spirit packed into a very tiny dense point that exploded with incredible force, creating billions of galaxies in this endless universe. The Earth spin about 1,000 miles per hour. In 2021, scientists recorded that the Earth is spinning at a more accelerated rate than it has in the last 50 years! Yet we find ourselves slackening through day and night with our hearts anchored to superficial abrasions. If you feel that their world has crushed you under its weight, you should know that the planet undergoes destructions and reconstructions every moment throughout, yet it has not lost its charm and capacity to astonish us at every speck of time.
You may fail to be a towering lamppost that can constantly cast light on other’s lives. But you might be a firefly who brings in this cute little speck of stardust on a really dark day of someone. And you are as precious as that smile on that person’s face. Without anyone’s acceptance or affection, you are enough.