Malavika P Pillai
Writer for a Cause - I thrive to bring insightful and ingenious writings to develop awareness on issues like climate change, mental health and identity crisis.
Articles by Malavika P Pillai

The relation between you and everything and everyone you have come across is arbitrary.

A Character sketch of Friar Laurence in Romeo and Juliet

Prove yourself time to time to the world that nothing can hold you back. We are fighting this battle, You and I and a lot many.

Everybody is worthy of loving one or the other way. Impression on depression must change, we must demystify the shackels

Everybody has a desire to be liked. Let's be positive about it. But how happy would one be then?

Recollecting happiness through your favourite shows and sitcoms could be more beneficial for your mental health

Fate played an important role in the play Romeo and Juliet

The Romantic writers were expressed emotions and thoughts honestly and profoundly.

Synchronic and diachronic are the binary pair introduced by Ferdinand de Saussure in his “Course in General Linguistics” (1916).

Unless and until we unlearn and relearn the basics of healthy bonding, we will forever fail to satisfy our soul and fill the voids of our hearts.