The challenges of our first day did not end, there was another one, we had to battle our first night, usually, the first nights are demanding, and yes it was.
Your Voice to Express. Your Choice to Impress.
Prove yourself time to time to the world that nothing can hold you back. We are fighting this battle, You and I and a lot many.
Synchronic and diachronic are the binary pair introduced by Ferdinand de Saussure in his “Course in General Linguistics” (1916).
Language is form, not substance. Sound and meaning constitute the substance of language, whereas the delimitation of the units constitutes form. Language quality has two parts substance and form.
Sexual Minorities are a group of people whose sexual identity, orientation is unique to that of the followed norm of the majority.
Microplastic consumed by different marine biota including corals, planktons, marine invertebrates, fishes, whales and ultimately reaching higher levels of the food chain.